Sunday, May 5, 2013


Character: Boba Fett

From: Star Wars
Despite his minimal appearances in the epic film saga, this bounty hunter is an undisputed bad-ass. Hired by Darth Vader to hunt down the Millenium Falcon and those within, Boba Fett establishes himself as an equally villainous antagonist. Though overshadowed by the amazing Darth Vader, Boba managed a more subtle approach to revealing his dark side. He was a staple in the serious and is one of the most famous film characters of all time.

Character: Hannibal Lecter

From: Silence of the Lambs
He's the creepy cannibal serial killer one a praised psychiatrist. We know him best from the books and film adaptations of the series depicting the dark, twisted, but still clever mind of this frightening man. He has a menacing stare and some horrifying stories to tell involving fava beans that we will never be able to cleanse from our minds. He is one of the most haunting film villains ever.

Character: Pac-Man

From: Namco
This video game voyeur has an appetite for the unusual. He enjoys the simple pleasure of cherries, pretzels, strawberries, and other fruit. But his favorite food is the rare, blinking ghost. He chases them around for hours, bumping into walls and following the dotted trail. Who hasn't grown up playing it? Have you ever wasted $5 in quarters in 1 sitting just trying to beat this addiction? Who has it on their cell phones?! We can't escape it. Once thought to die away with the exclusion of traditional arcade games, this little yellow chomper has withstood the test of time and has transcended to a whole new generation of addicts. This is one of the characters who will never leave us.

Character: Al Bundy

From: Married with Children
It seems Ted Bundy didn't completely tarnish the name of Bundy because Al has been a pop culture icon with a distinct personality. He represents the quintessential American man. He loves a good beer, sports, and reminisces about the days when he was a football star. In the show we see what he has become-a father of 2 disrespectful children and a wife who loves to spend his money. He hates life where he works as a lowly women's shoe salesman. This is the image most people imagine when thinking of him. His facial expressions and blunders over the years kept us laughing and immortalized him as a pop culture icon eternally... "love and marriage..."

Character: Scarlett O'Hara

From: Gone With the Wind... and Georgia
This epic novel turned iconic film took us through the old south, through the Civil War, and into the antebellum struggle for southerners. But we most enjoyed it because we couldn't get enough of this venomous vixen. It's conflicting that our main character is actually the villain in a way because we want to sympathize with her, but it's difficult to rationalize her cold, cruel, shrewd ways. She breaks hearts, destroys lives, lies, kills, steals, anything she must do to get what she wants. And she does it all while shocking society by breaking the rules and being a walking scandal. But "I won't think about that today. I'll think about that tomorrow." How many villains do you know who could accomplish all these acts while wearing a pretty dress and innocent smile? There aren't many, and that's why she ranks very high on the list as one of the most recognized characters of all time.

Character: The Shark

From: Jaws... and the ocean
We all hear the eerie music and imagine there is something in the water beneath s. He remains one of the most feared villains in history and is responsible for millions being hesitant to get into the water. The world has never been the same since he came creeping into our waters in the late 70's. Sure, it's a bit outlandish that a rogue great white shark would hunt a specific person down, but it's still a scary thought. The teeth, that ominous fin piercing the water, they are symbols of this frightening sea creature who will always give us reason to keep a sharp eye in the water.

Character: Hello Kitty

From: Japan and Sanrio
She has many different styles, but we all know this kitty's face. She was introduced to the world in the late 70's. 40 years later, you see here EVERYWHERE!!! She has perfume, fine jewelry, toys, clothes, televisions, toasters, literally everything! You can't help but love her, and odds are you have something with her face on it somewhere in your house. Some people have taken to her so much that she has been featured on wedding dresses, home decor/themes, even tattoos. It is amazing that this little cartoon cutie have grown to dominate a massive business empire.

Character: Tyrion Lannister

From: Game of Thrones
The show itself is dark and dramatic, but no element of the story is more emotional than that of the youngest son of the richest, most powerful family in the kingdoms. His mother died giving birth to him, and his father and sister never let him forget it was his fault. He is dealt every horrible hand. Being a dwarf is a challenge enough, especially when fighting to stand tall beside and against his destiny. His character fights the plight of a little person with big expectations. He doesn't see himself disabled, so while others think him weak, he attacks with a sharpened wit and has to fight even harder to prove himself. He does this by being relentless, stronger, and smarter than others. He's won awards and acclaim for this role. Some of his quotes perhaps transcend to the alienated like him whether little people or just looked down upon in general. He is one of the 1st little people to ever break out of that label to be respected for just being an awesome character. His character has some good times, having sex and gambling. He's a fabulously rich character, completely one-of-a-kind. In the words of Tyrion, "Never forget who you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you."

Character: Severus Snape

From: Harry Potter
He is somewhere between villain and hero, though it is often difficult to distinguish which. Even when he's siding with the good guys, he maintains his stoic expressions and irritated tone. Professor Snape certainly looks like the villain, wearing all black from head-to-toes. He doesn't hide his contempt for Potter and is known to whack students in the back of the head. He spent years pining for the coveted position to teach the defense against the dark arts but was stuck in his chemistry cellar. But never underestimate this serious bad-ass because there is so much more to him than might seem. His character shocks everyone and becomes one of the most memorably dynamic in film history.

Character: Stewart Gilligan Griffin

From: Quahog, Rhode Island
When we first met this tyke, he was an odd little baby who could randomly speak intelligently and with an inexplicable British accent. As if being a diabolical genius wasn't enough, he became even odder when it became apparent he had plans to murder his mother. He made many attempts but later dropped his ambition to become a cross-dressing tot with homicidal tendencies. He over enunciates the letter "he" in certain words, he is a torturing mastermind, and he does it all before nap time. Stewie has become a cartoon sensation and a pop culture staple. That football-shaped head belongs to our favorite New England infant.

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