Sunday, May 5, 2013


Character: McLovin

From: Superbad
When 2 nerdy best friends decide to go on a quest for alcohol and girls, they turn to their friend, the quintessential nerd named Fogell. He hands the fake id and creates a Hawaiian native old enough to buy beer. Just one problem-he has only a first name: McLovin. But his sudden transition to badassness is born when he fools 2 less than professional cops and embarks on an epic journey. From shooting signs, taking down bad guys, to landing a hot chick at the party, McLovin was destined for pop culture stardom. Any young adult now can tell you exactly who McLovin is and that he is the man!

Character: Dr. Evil

From: Austin Powers
Just saying the name, can't you picture his pinky going to his mouth? His strange accent and awkward mannerisms make him one of the most memorable movie characters of the millennium. He raps, dances, likes sharks with "lasers" attached to their heads, enjoys the company of his miniature clone, and he is the absent-minded villain. He falls during critical moments and falters paramount speeches. But this villain rules the world!... well, the world of comedy. Now pay me "$100 billion dollars!"

Character: Neil Patrick Harris

From: everything awesome
This man is the man-an absolute god. Everyone worships his awesome powers over women and the stage. He's had some spectacular roles over the years, but I have found that one of his best is definitely playing Barney Stinson on the sitcom "How I Met Your Mother." The show features an all-star cast, but it is difficult to find anyone able to outshine Sir Neil. From Broadway to White Castle to helping the President of the United States light the White House Christmas tree, Neil Patrick Harris is a talented entertainer in all shows but mostly just life. He is phenomenal and will long be remembered for his fearlessness.

Character: Cookie Monster

From: Sesame Street
We all grew up watching this puppet show. Of all the familiar furry faces, Cookie Monster is an absolute icon. It matters not how old you get. When you hear his name, you can picture him stuffing his face with his favorite treat and making strange sounds. No cookie is safe. Hide your cookie jars and save the milk-the cookie monster is still wrecking havoc on cookies everywhere. If only there were a baked good rehab he could attend. Until that day, this monster is off the wagon!

Character: Jason

From: Friday the 13th and Crystal Lake
Thanks to this horror movie icon, no one will ever look at a hockey mask the same way. He haunts the grounds of his murder sight with a machete in hand. He is large, fast, and silent. Much like fellow fear-sparker Michael Myers, Jason doesn't speak which makes him all the more terrifying. The only thing that can keep this serial killer in check is his mama... a masked murderer with a mama complex-definitely memorable. The film series has been rebooted and has plenty of sequels. Triskaidekaphobia aside, he is the reason we all fear the day the calendar date aligns with Friday.

Character: Tim the Tool Man Taylor

From: Home Improvement
Funny man Tim Allen stepped into a sitcom to become a clumsy, witty, and manly man of all things home improvement on a tv show. We watched as everything he so confidently altered or built ended in disaster. He isn't what you'd expect a man's man to be, but he does fit the shoe with his personality. He loves cars, grunts pretty often, and his quirky relationship with the show's cohost and best friend kept us tuned in for years. He isn't the most gender-sensitive man as his wife often points out, but he loves his family and 3 sons. This Detroit man is hilarious and very memorable...I kind of want to go to the fence and see if Wilson will be there to talk to now.

Character: Captain James T. Kirk

From: Star Trek
This former small town bad boy took his actions to the skies with Starfleet. He refuses to accept "no win scenarios" and will do whatever it takes to succeed. He is cocky, intelligent, and sarcastic. He was the youngest captain in Starfleet history, leading the famed "Enterprise" on their voyages through the galaxies. He plays by on one's rules, and he has no need. He can kick some serious ass and does so with the cool demeanor that only Captain Kirk can have. The character was most famously portrayed by William Shatner. Now in the impressive film reboot of the shows, Chris Pine give the Kirk smirk from the captain's seat. The new film will soon be released, again introducing a whole new generation of viewers who will soon be trekkies.

Character: Chandler Bing

From: Friends... and New York
He is the son of a romance novel writing vixen and a drag queen. He was destined to be a little on the strange side. He is a corporate analyst who hates his boring job, but he can't help who he is. He is the cynic of the group, always poking fun at everyone else. They like to point out his nuisances, particularly the way he pauses after certain words. His facial expressions are wildly entertaining. He is the good guy who doesn't really get the girl. He is stuck with Janice and fear. He is a big kid who likes toys, chocolate milk, and fruity pebbles. He's a frightening dancer. He's owned a pet duck and chick. He is a character all around, and a hilarious one at that. In the end, he falls in love with his fellow friend and ends up a father of twins. He's not the most emotionally expressive man, but he has a heart of gold and is always a consolation to his friends. And he and Joey's questionable bromance is ever entertaining. We love Chandler. He's always good for a laugh... but never accept serious advice from him!

Character: Franque

From: Father of the Bride
While the films are considered chick flicks, this crazy character steals the show with his comedic personality. His accent is impossible to decipher. He personality is beyond over-the-top. He is a talented wedding planner, and given the wedding we witness, he is a good one. He doesn't come cheap, but the end result is pure fantasy. While Martin Short is always funny, this role really gave him leave to shine in his quirky manner. And beside Steve Martin's uptight character, the pair's back and forth relationship turned friendship makes the character even more irresistible. We might never understand a word he says, but we will always remember the odd antics with which he said them.

Character: Kevin McCallister

From: Home Alone
During our youth, we all added "Home Alone" to our holiday movie marathons. The star of this film is Kevin, the luckiest kid in the world. He got to do what every kid dreams-take over the house, eat whatever you want, light firecrackers indoors, watch mature movies, set up pranks, and talk trash to clumsy burglars. Whether you're a girl or guy, I can bet you've made this face a time or two in the mirror. You probably didn't apply aftershave first, but you can't help but laugh and this of this Midwestern kid who defeated the bad guys and got away with a whole lot while his parents were away.


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